Foreign Office knew of coup

Lundi 29 novembre 2004 — Dernier ajout samedi 16 juin 2007

Foreign Office knew of coup

Deux extraits de ce long article en anglais sur le site du journal « » :

[He also hopes to establish what contact was made between British, French and Spanish diplomats over the plot. « There are too many unanswered questions, » he added. « I believe the Foreign Secretary must come clean and explain precisely what the British government knew, when it knew it, and why apparently it took no action as a result of it. »

Mr Mandelson, now Britain’s sole European Commissioner, used to rent a house from Eli Calil, a businessmen alleged by Mr Obiang’s office to have been the mastermind behind the botched coup - which would have benefited several oil companies. This has drawn staunch denials from Mr Mandelson, who said through a spokesman that he « never had a discussion with anyone about this alleged coup ». ]

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